Sunday, April 14, 2013

I Must Be Sneezy’s Long Lost Descendant

My allergies are going completely banana’s.  Allergy season is crazy bad this go round.  Then again it hasn’t been particularly kind to me since I had my tonsils taken out when I was eighteen.  I’m currently laying in bed, watching The Golden Girls because for some reason my cable box is not displaying the guide at all. (Update: My husband is now working on it while reminding me before the days of the guide we used to just surf the channels – I can not dispute this.  Instead I shall put on my sickly, sympathetic face and hope for cuddles.) My face is red and puffy, my eyes are itchy and watery, and I’m up to be a candidate for the first ever sinus transplant.  That should be a thing. 
A lot has gone on this past week.  Though my brain doesn’t want to process it in any particular order of events.  I went to the book store and got some new books, since my job won’t allow ereaders anymore. I know, blasphemy!  Either way, I secretly enjoy print books over ebooks, but ebooks is a great commodity and easy for travel, or to switch back and forth from one book to the other.  I picked up Little Bee by Chris Cleave, a book of short stories by Flannery O’Connor, and the newest in the Dresden Series by Jim Butcher Cold Days.  I’m almost done with Little Bee so I’ll have a review for that shortly. 
Friday night Brian (hubby), my brother, and two of our friends went to the Shuck & Dive – a Cajun Restaurant with exceptionally good food.  I tried Buffalo for the first time.  Not as in buffalo wings, but as in actual Buffalo – the animal.  It was really good.  We also had some gator tail, crab-artichoke-and-spinach dip, deep fried pickles, and more.  We gorged ourselves just a little bit, but to be fair it had been quite a long time.  If you’re ever in the Hollywood area in Florida, look up the Shuck & Dive.  It’s completely worth checking out.  However, I’m waiting to try crawfish until I actually go to New Orleans.

Yesterday, I got a call from my mother.  Apparently my cousin was baker acted.  For those of you who don’t know what that means, it’s being forcibly committed to a mental institution for observation for a few days.  All in all, she’s lucky that’s what happened as opposed to going to jail.  Though I suppose running down the streets of downtown Ft. Lauderdale after smoking crack and being so high that you think your husband and his friend are going to kill you, is as good a reason as any to be committed.  I didn’t even know she was on crack.  It honestly surprised me.  Last I heard she was set to see a psychologist or psychiatrist at the hospital.  I’m sure when there’s an update I’ll get a call.  It’s really, sad, especially since she has a little baby girl to take care of.  Baby girl is with her grandma right now, so she’s safe which is a good thing. On that front, I’m going to have to wait and see what happens.  I’m hoping it’s a wakeup call and my cousin gets her life together.


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