Thursday, April 25, 2013

♫Celebrate good times come on!

Guess who got a new job?  That’s right; this awesome nerdy girl got a new job at a fabulous place.  The people are great, the job is great, and I’m seriously using the word ‘great’ too much.  Everyone has seen a difference in my attitude since I started working at said awesome place.  (Come on you should know by now that I don’t put my jobs actual name in my blog!)  It’s much closer to home, which means I save mucho money on gas, and I do a variety of things including part of their marketing that involves social media (their blog, FB, Twitter, etc).  It’s actually a lot of fun, great experience, and the people are very patient when it comes to me learning new things about the company.   Getting out at 5pm and being home before 5:30 means I have a lot more time in the afternoon to do the things I love, like read, catch up on nerdy news, and most importantly, spend time with the most awesome husband in the world.
I’ve also finished two out of my four classes for the semester.  I’m sad the fiction writing class is over.  That was so much fun, and my professor was just excellent.  I think sometimes the people who hate creative writing class take it as the be all end all based on what the professor teachers instead of keeping an open mind, seeing things from a different view point, and being able to add things to their writing.  Creative writing classes and workshops are excellent in my opinion.  You can’t break the rules until you know the rules.

I’m getting off track though.  I’ve finished two of four of my classes.  I’m losing my 4.0, but I’d rather be challenged and learn than go through school in a breeze.  Maybe I’m just weird.  That’s okay.  It’s fun.
With this new job I’ll be able to catch up on my book reviews not only for my own site, but for I Read a Book Once.  The end of the semester just coincided with my old job driving me up the wall with stress.  It’s so nice to smile again.  It’s not worth being at a job you hate. Find something you love – or at the very least don’t detest with every fiber of your being.

That being said, tomorrow is Friday.  Be safe, enjoy your weekend. 



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