Sunday, February 17, 2013

Thirty and Fabulous!

Delayed post as my birthday was on Valentines Day.

Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone out there!  Personally, I hate the holiday.  Even at work everything was pink, heart shaped, and sickeningly sweet.  It’s never been my favorite holiday, but then again I may be bias since I share my birthday with V-Day. That’s right, today is my birthday.  I have hit the big THIRTY!  Hazzuh!  It’s been a crazy, adventure filled first thirty years, and I can’t wait to see what this next decade brings me.  Hopefully a degree, a few babies running around the house to drive me mad, and happy memories to add to the ones I already have.  I actually called my twenties my terrible twenties because of all the tragedy.   I’m hoping that my thirties are terrific.

Last weekend my husband set it up for us to go down to the Hard Rock in Hollywood.  There were friends and family – even my parents showed up which was a surprise.  Not that they haven’t always been there, but they live four hours away and my mom told me they wouldn’t be able to make it. LIARS!  But it was a good lie, because it was a GREAT surprise.  We drank, gambled, and my husband even got us a room.  It was absolutely luxurious!  Not a bad way to start the decade at all. 

ME AT 30!
So, what are my goals for this next chapter in my life? (In no particular order)
-Finish School.
-Become a better writer.
-Have a little imp or two.
-Publish a novel or two.
-Go someplace I’ve never been.

Those are the major ones anyways.  My goals for this week are to:
-Pass my Oceanography Test
-Pass my Math Test
-Review the short story for my Fiction Class
-Finish and review the book for I Read a Book Once.
-Find some time to sleep.

Yup, that sounds about right.  Work full time, go to school full time, sleep part time.  I am a very lucky woman.  I’m 30 and living fabulous.


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